Monday, June 13, 2005

Treasures in the Junk

Grandma is a great one for bargains and her daughters and granddaughters have joined the treasure hunt! Finding what some cast away and making it useful again. Finding value with a second look and seeing beyond the surface to what the real truth is. In part that is what Linwood House Ministries is all about. Not only is this sacred space for stories to be told and the redeeming colours to be revealed but it is also holy ground where Yahweh changes our vision. On holy ground and in sacred space the Almighty can change our feelings of worthlessness into ones of truth. When we feel safe we are willing to be vulnerable and allow Jesus to exchange the lies we have used to determine value for the truth of our worth in his eyes.

Duane is taking a few days of quiet here, and quiet it is. It allows each of us to quietly do our tasks and attend to the inner quiet we need. It has been busy since we returned from the Ukraine, held The Dance workshop and attended to the upkeep here.

I found this article framed in the hallway this morning and believe it is another garage sale find!
When we build, let us think that we build forever. Let it not be for present delight nor for present use alone. Let it be such work as our descendants will thank us for; and let us think, as we lay plank on plank that a time is to come when those planks will be held sacred because our hands have touched them, and men will say as they look upon the labour and wrought substance of them, “See, this our father did for us”.



At 8:41 AM, Blogger bobbie said...

as a fellow junkinjunkie i love this idea of the 'cast off' being made new - i never ever made the connection that redemption happens in the dumpster dive too! hurray!

i love that quote, and in my renovations it places things in wonderful perspective. thank you!

At 1:22 PM, Blogger steph said...

Doesn't it just reinforce for us the fact that what one may discard another may find as incredibly valuable. And it means we have to look at things with deeper "knowing".


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