Monday, June 06, 2005

Comment Update

We have finally adjusted the "comment" section here so that anyone can come and leave us their thoughts! We look forward to hearing from more of you who stop by.

The Dance was an amazing workshop this last weekend with 9 women participating. Hopefully I can share more with you this week, once I get out from under the laundry and the finishing up of details to do with our Ukraine trip.

Today has been eventful to say the least! Some friends of Grandma's came to visit and at breakfast one of the gentlemen lost consciousness so we had to get the paramedics. He is staying overnight in hospital just to ensure that all is okay so he and his wife and friends can return to their home on the Island. Then the water pressure dropped to zero and one has to become a mechanic and try to figure out the problem! Thankfully Ron was reachable by phone and it only required resetting the pump down at the well. Two young interns have come for a couple of days as well water would be not a good thing here. Our friend M will be here soon for Monday "happy hour" - our prayer time with several women. I am sure many of the things we learned at The Dance will be shared in this worship time.

There is much to write about the Ukraine still and many things to report on The Dance but it will have to wait until another day.




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