Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Hagar's Journey

Gwen often speaks of Hagar and her story. Her God who said to her "I know where you have been, I know where you are and I know where you are going."

This morning as we sat outside in the church courtyard eating our pancakes with sourcream and jam under the Ukrainian sun I thought of this again. I thought of how our prayer times with women here have show us their past, their confusion and the pain of where they are now, and their prayer requests for where they are going.

As a team of 9 women we are using our past to share why and how we are here and to lay our tomorrows on the drawing board of God's timing and schedule.

Never before have some of these women told their stories. But there is not one story told that a member of the team cannot identify with. Our pasts are filled with tattered threads sometimes but there are gloriously coloured threads being woven in us, between us and through us because of God's redeeming of every shread of brokenness.



At 4:50 PM, Blogger bobbie said...

ah redemption! still praying!


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