It's great to hear directly from the team in the post below! They have found fairly good internet connectivity, so hopefully we will hear more from them. In the mean time, here are some additional comments received via email this morning.
Some details and prayer needs:
"We arrrived at Hope Center on Monday afternoon around 3pm. Hope Center is now a children's camp but was once a Communist Training Camp. It is operated by Global Action and runs 4 camps of one hundred childre each for poor, needy or orphaned kids. They have owned the camp for 3 years and have been working hard to restore. Much has been done, MUCH is needed to be done. They are hoping to operate camps for battered women as well, which I blieve is why we have been invited.And, some specifics on how their week is shaping up:
The weather is great, the living conditions - communal. We have group showers and bathrooms and have two rooms where everyone sleeps. Comfortable. Actually it is histerical, we have wireless connectivity but very limited toilets - who knew? In the middle of the camp is a raised platform which used to hold a large statue of Lenin. The statue is down and in the crumbling rubble is a wooden cross, tilting a little to the left but firmly planted. For Hope.
Gwen has asked for specific prayer to break through the barrier of communism that seems to still exist. It is a barrier of oppression, especially agains all things female. There is a spirit of confusion, unsure exactly what to do with us, very awkward and confused. Pray that the leadership will have barriers broken down as well. Gwen has asked that people at home pray and if they are led, fast, to break through this blanket of oppression and let in the Light."
"Last night, we did our first service with the church in Kerch. In fact, we are doing things different this year. We did the one service last night and it was amazing. About 45 people came, women and curious men / maybe a little bit nervous about what those crazy Canadian women are going to tell our wives! They had a worship team that sang beautifully, songs that we know, and they we had an opprotunity to share. Gwen spoke about Linwood House and our vision toThanks for your continued prayers for the team.
work with women around the world, and in our backyard. We made the group honorary Canadians and gave them pins and annointed them with oil from across Canada. The service was based on John 4, the Woman at the Well. Robyn and Stephanie shared parts of their stories and and Kathy Kenard spoke about what Jesus didn't say and how he set us free from condemnation. At the end of the service, people were invited to come up and drink a glass of water from the well. Everyone came forward to drink from the well. Then, all the people were invitd to come to Hope Center this week, anytime and meet with us one on one or in small groups where we will share more of our story, hear theirs and pray with them. We will be staying at the camp all week and the offer is open for people anywhere, to come at any time, to meet and bring friends.
So, as you would expect, we woke up this morning and looked around at our "sanctuary". It is cold, dismal and lifeless. After a beautiful time of prayer, God revealed that we needed to turn this place into Linwood House Ukraine and we got to work. Beds are being moved, chairs, tables. Flowers are being cut and water bottles are bing used as vases. God told us to show the women and men of Ukraine the feminine face of God and the beauty and extravagant love he has for us. Most of the team is busy cleaning, beautifying. Gwen is obviously in her glory! We ran to the market across the street and bought peonies, tea and bread.
So, please pray for us that God will lift the spirit of oppression here. That His LIGHT will shine through and warm the hearts and the ground of this place."
east meets west and that creative beauty is flowing there now too - wonderful, wonderful! i am and will continue to pray for light to shine and freedom to ring!
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