Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Team in Bangkok

For almost 2 weeks we have a team of 5 women in Bangkok who are creating sacred space there with Bonita who has a home in the middle of the sex-trade district. Bonita connected with Sue and Jen this summer at a conference on this issue. Our team has been excited to encourage and help Bonita with her dream and to share what we have learned in our work. So Jen, Sue, Krista, Maureen and Gwen ventured off. Their time is almost at an end but here is a report from this week.

Maureen and I have stumbled on an internet cafe so thought I would drop a line. I think it is my turn. I know it should be informative but really I have a head full of thoughts and my mind is whirling.

I had an interesting experience last night after going to the Christian School with the women from the center where the youth from the Doulos ship gave a presentation of the gospel. I think the women enjoyed the experience. It's hard to tell with the language barrier. My personal experience was coming eye to eye with a man heading for the bars; primped and looking for all appearances like a peacock. He wreaked of cologne, with flood pants and sparkling belt and loafers and a red face. I could not get this man out of my mind all night and I mean all night. Would the evening satisfy his need...I wondered...purchasing a woman or maybe two, numbers 34 or 63 bought from the bar. The beautiful women smiling at him, flattering him and whatever and underneath hating every moment with him. How could that be satisfying? He interrupted my sleep! Ug! But then God began to break my heart for him. I thought of the woman caught in adultery and the men asking Jesus if they should stone her. You know the story. Jesus asked the men who would throw the first stone? Jesus remained with the woman and all of the men disappeared, beginning with the oldest. Who would go with the men? I am sure that they left with guilt and shame thinking of their own shame and guilt. I asked our host, Dr. Roy if there was any ministry to the men who come to Thailand in flocks dressed like peacocks to enjoy the women. He said he did not know of any such ministry.

Anyway that is where my mind is right now and I appreciate you listening to me. It is interesting that we are gearing up for the Olympics as a Christian community in Vancouver because there will be people from all over the world who need to meet Jesus coming to our city. Here in Bangkok there are desparate men coming from all over the world searching for something and think that sex will satisfy their need. I sincerely believe that an encounter with Jesus would change their life, and give them meaning and purpose and satisfy the longing of their heart. Please pray for the peacocks we are seeing everywhere. By the way, would you believe I met that same peacock from last night on the streets this morning..

Sue and Jenn are doing an amazing job of leading our team. It is wonderful for me to "just show up". I realize how easy it is for me to follow competent leadership. Sue dreams and plans. Jenn looks after all of the details. Maureen is absolutely amazing, loving everyone everywhere. Krista is growing and learning new things all the time. She has settled into life in Bangkok. We had a most amazing experience together with Krista. It was like a full circle thing where God was carving out a new picture for Krista. We went to the bars to encourage women to come to the center for English classes. I have never seen anyone so desparately try to give a girl in the bar an opportunity to get out than Krista. She promised to give them everything except a husband and a car. Of course, they couldn't understand her but it was a wonderful experience for us to see through Krista how God desparately wants to rescue women from prostitution.

Bonita continues to rest and we haven't seen her since the first day. Please pray for her healing. Roy is taking good care of us. Yesterday we went shopping and today we will go and see if we can do a little decorating in the Home for New Beginnings. We think it is beautiful the way it is so we don't want to mess too much with the sacred space.

Thank you for travelling with us in prayer.



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