Lingering in Summer

Linwood House garden is full of colour in this season, with flowers in full bloom, the tent (Tent of Meeting we call it) adding a whimsical touch at the edge of the garden, umbrellas and garden chairs inviting one to come and linger, and the windows are open inviting the breezes to come in with all the fragrance they hold.
Family come to hang out, grandchildren spend time with Grandpa Ron and Grandma Gwen, and summertime memories are imprinted that will be carried with them all their lives.
As I write that I am aware that it is about relationships – and one of the things about sacred space is the invitation into relationships. Summer is the season for lingering, going slower, spending time, and taking a time out of routine. At least that is how I remember it as a child, and how I look forward to it as an adult. Guests at Linwood House in these months are often coming to linger and go slow. One group of guests had come simply to hang out together and to experience God in whatever way their heart and soul could hear the Almighty. It was beautiful to see them begin to establish relationships together and to experience God.
This is also the space of time where we at Linwood House can relax our schedule a little and enjoy what we are surrounded with. Sometimes in the business we need to be reminded that this is a season to enjoy the good weather, and sit on the front porch and linger.

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