Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Weekend Teaching Time at Linwood

Dear Friends:

We have recently learned that a friend of ours, Coralee Murray is arriving from Budapest this Wednesday and staying at Linwood House until Sunday. Coralee is an amazing Bible teacher and has spent many years researching the role of women in the home, church and world. Our hearts connected in Budapest when a team of women from Canada met with her in Hungary. We realized that we were all passionately concerned about the plight of women in the world. We talked, laughed and shared our experiences and stories. We had many questions for Coralee and she diligently answered by taking us through scripture and historical books and transcripts. Our eyes of understanding were opened and our resolve to see all women everywhere find freedom and wholeness were strengthened.

All of this to say, we would love to share Coralee with you over the next few days. Come to Linwood and share in her teachings and bring your questions and it should be fun! This is the plan, although it is open to change as far as topics as we will go with the flow.

Friday, April 21, 2006

1:30-3:30: Women, Genesis and Family
4:30-6:00: Happy Hour with Coralee (Bring your questions)
6:00-7:00: Dinner
7:30-9:30: Women and the Church: Women and the World

Stay overnight if you like…..

Saturday, April 22, 2006
8:00-9:00: Continental Breakfast
9:30-11:30: Women and Leadership

I know that this is short notice but if you can, come and share in all or part of this “suddenly” workshop. Bring friends. Call if you have questions. The cost of this event is a donation to Linwood House Ministries.

Please RSVP Stephanie. 604-885-0214 or



At 7:22 PM, Blogger anj said...

Oh -I so wish I could be there!!

At 7:24 AM, Blogger Heidi Renee said...

me too! have a wonderful time!


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