If You Looked in the Window
If you could see in the window….
- You would have heard the laughter, the awe, the whispers of delight.
- Women who restlessly wandered inside and paced as they smoked outside. The years of addictions are hard to break and the restlessness reflects the inner battle for change.
- T who shyly stays in the kitchen after dinner and talks one on one letting her tears fall. She wears her years with heaviness.
- In an evening group these women share what Jesus looks like to them. One has no idea but she does see Jesus in women around the room.
- One who runs to hide under the bed when memories of repeated rape by a pastor surface.
- G who goes looking for her and draws her out.
- If Jesus was playing a game with them what one would it be? Hide and seek with either Jesus or them hiding at any given time, and not wanting to be found.
- Luise up on the hill planting brilliant yellow daffodils with the girls. They have no garden at “home” but they can return to see their flower grow where they planted it.
- Meals times when they all rush to eat, as much, as fast as possible. Scarcity and abundance principle.
- Women who are so used to shutting down their emotions, wrestling with them as they surface, remembering the events lying behind that.
- Those who are willing to seek the truth and others who are willing to sit with them as they open that up.
- Grandma who is a magnet for them all, gives to them lavishly with her baking her laughing eyes and loving heart
- Grandma who when asked if she thought Pope Benedict XVI was too old said indeed he was! What would she have done at 78 and her reply was “oh for women age is just a number”! Grandma spoke Norwegian and A responded in Swedish.
- Marilyn and Karen patiently assisting each woman with new make up ideas. Heather who gives massage, Sue and Jen running the spa, Gwen and Dorothea being where ever they are needed, Sue-Ann finding her niche.
- Each girl is given a mirror and on it is written “fearfully and wonderfully made”. She stands up to speak her name, that she is a child of God and fearfully and wonderfully made. That woman in the mirror is a woman of God.
- The latte machine runs constantly and I think we have gone through 11 – 4 litre jugs of milk in 7 days. Warm, soothing and comforting cups of steaming beverage you can wrap your hands around.
- Now a new group is here – young women who are teen Moms. Their life experience is being used in leadership.
If you looked in the window would you see yourself in the reflection?
If you looked in the window would you want to join in?
If you looked in the window would you know you too are fearfully and wonderfully made? Would you know your own labels are washed away and the words “Child of God” are for you?