End of First Quarter of 2005
Today ends the first quarter of 2005. Where does it go? Like the pouring rain outside, it seems to seep away and yet the good things will be seen as the season progresses.
Ron and Gwen are back from holiday and Grandma will be home tonight. It has been quiet without them around.
Pastor A is here this week for some quiet time and his group of young adult leaders will be up for a weekend retreat. We have discussed safe places for the heart and he sees the generation in their 20’s being more open and vulnerable in their church small groups. We need more of this in the Body. We talked about living outside the box that defines who is in or who is out of our “group” in the faith community. It looks more like it simply needing to be a group that is defined by those who are looking toward knowing Jesus. Maybe only beginning that journey, maybe on the deeper learning of Jesus heart, but the defining factor is that we are turning toward Him.
Sitting round the table last night with Ron, Gwen, Pastor A and myself, eating baked potatoes and BBQ ribs we laughed, shared and dialogued on the gender issue within the church, why we do or don’t dissect various passages of the Word.
Read a good comment this morning from another blog, which quoted Ravi Zacharias who said that convictions should always be wrapped in love.
Love and grace – extravagant amounts required, rather like the pouring rain outside. Love and grace water the soul, water the Body, water the Word and are essential to holding it all together and letting the beauty emerge as the seasons of life flow.