Friday, March 18, 2005

Meditation on the word MADE

Making granola (Luise’s Peace Lovin, Groovy 60’s, Crunchy Granola) you could smell the blending of almonds, cinnamon, honey, sesame, sunflower and coconut.

The word that seems to be hovering today is “Made”. A couple of weeks ago Wes Roberts gave the breakfast blessing and spoke about the day that God has made. It is already created and complete in God’s mind but it will unfold throughout every second of what we call today.

God MADE the heavens and the earth and was satisfied. God MADE man and woman. God MADE dry bones be covered in flesh and again and gave them breath and He said LIVE. Created, designed, make in His image, under construction – whatever way you wish to think of it, it still involves making.

Something is always in the making at Linwood House. Dorothea will be making a birthday cake for the 50th birthday party that begins tomorrow. We are making the house ready for them, putting flowers in the bedrooms, on the dining room and kitchen tables, and ensuring that everything will be in place when they arrive.

Anticipation goes along with the word “make” because there is the longing that all the pieces will come together, take shape and you will be satisfied with the completed task.

Linwood House has had no guests this week. Emails keep us in touch with people all over the world. Phone calls and conversations keep us in touch with the heart beat of others. One of our friends is walking a new journey with God but she faces huge challenges that are consequences of some former choices. She has been MADE new. This weekend Sue and Jen will bring her up here and will make their presence a safe place for her heart in the storm she faces. God makes His presence a safe place for us and we in turn strive to learn how to be made in His image and provide refuge to His children.

“You’ve always given me breathing room,
A place to get away from it all,
A lifetime pass to your safe-house,
An open invitation as your guest.”
Psalm 61: 3-4 The Message



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