Love and Reconciliation
One theme of the Christmas Season is to invite love into places that require reconciliation, and open our hearts to the work required. During this past week Linwood House has been full of family, of love and laughter, and the confirmation of how much we need each other. It is also a safe place for family to gather and share and give to each other.
Reading this piece from Henri Nouwen today is a reminder that this is how we, as Christ followers, are called to love. This is the Truth of Jesus Light we are called to live in, offering it to ourselves, each other, and all around us. A good piece of Truth to hold close as we finish off 2006 and move into 2007.
"Being Safe Places for Others
When we are free from the need to judge or condemn, we can become safe places for people to meet in vulnerability and take down the walls that separate them. Being deeply rooted in the love of God, we cannot help but invite people to love one another. When people realise that we have no hidden agendas or unspoken intentions, that we are not trying to gain any profit for ourselves, and that our only desire is for peace and reconciliation, they may find the inner freedom and courage to leave their guns at the door and enter into conversation with their enemies.
Many this happens even without our planning. Our ministry of reconciliation most often takes place when we ourselves are least aware of it. Our simple, nonjudgmental presence does it."