Rain - Inside and Out
The steady beat of rain and the trees being bent by the strong wind provide the colouring outside the office window.
Our latest newsletter has arrived giving us the succinct picture of what is happening in the various spokes of Linwood House Ministries.
At the Monday night Happy Hour God was very present in the sharing and discussions. This group of women, in our own community, are exploring this sacred space and sharing how God has shown up in their week. Gwen shared at the end of the time how when the enemy comes in like a flood God will raise up a standard.
We had no idea how literal this would be! When Ron and Gwen woke up Tuesday morning they discovered a flood in the dining room, parlor and library! It was discovered that a water pipe had broken and leaked and the hardwood had to be ripped up and the floor is now drying out. There was also a little flood over at Hope Renfrew. Right now the floors in the front part of the house are torn up, the area is sealed off with plastic and huge fans and steadily humming to try and dry out the damage area. We had hoped to begin the Christmas decorating with a group on November 11th weekend. Right now we are not sure what the time frame is for the drying process and then the relaying of hardwood floors.
On Wednesday night the team leaders of various projects at Linwood House Ministries met to touch base. Jen and Sue are very active in building relationships with women we have connected with through The Journey. Idelette is getting her dream of Global Girls Network going and soon you will hear more about it. Mike is balancing studies at Regent College and his duties as Executive Director of Linwood House Ministries. Gwen and Ron are very busy with Hope Renfrew and are putting much of their time and energy into this project. All the volunteers that have come alongside us have been amazing. We would love to see this project ready to go by the end of this year. Dorothea is very busy with her Breakfast Groups and they are currently working through Jesus Life Coach. Grandma keeps the cookie tins full and keeps us all in order!
The chaos in the hallways just now reminds me that just because things have turned upside down in the house doesn’t mean that God is not very present, nor do we stop doing what we need to do right now - continuing to provide sacred space that facilitates healing, blessing and transformation.
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