Saturday, February 03, 2007

Great Room TV Interview

The Great Room, the most recently created sacred space of Linwood House Ministries, has become a fantastic gathering point for old and new friends of ours in the Downtown Eastside of Vancouver. This community has the lowest income of any postal code in Canada and the highest rate of HIV in North America - to give you a perspective on the climate of this community.

Sue and Jen work tirelessly with women in the new Great Room space. Their work in the downtown eastside has been sowing seeds, with other ministry workers, and these seeds are sprouting to life. The current, well publicised trial of Robert Picton has deeply affected those who knew so many of the victims. Lorna Dueck of Listen Up TV approached Jen and Sue for an interview on the Great Room project which they held in this sacred space. The interview will be shown on Global TV in the near future. Part one of Lorna's interview will be February 4 at 10:30 AM Pacific Time. The Linwood House Ministries interview will be in part 2 and we will advise you of the date when we have it.

Also Febraury 25 - March 4th, we have a mission trip for women, to come and participate in the work Sue and Jen do in this downtown community. If you are interested in joining us for those dates, the cost is $600 per person. Please email us via our website for more information.



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