Saturday, September 10, 2005

Colours of the Heart

The air is cooler, crisper in the mornings, the days are shorter and the light has a different glow at sunrise and sunset. Warm earthy tones in the changing leaves, in the fallen leaves, serenade us with a different melody as Autumn comes and makes us aware of her presence. Colours that are gloriously warm yet hold the message of another season that follows.

Colours. The long pine table, its warm honey tones, was full at breakfast; it will again be so at lunch and supper. The room was perfumed with laughter, with languages and colours as the multicultural group of women here this weekend began their day together. J

As grace was spoken in Korean we all gave thanks to the Almighty in our own language of praise. The One who has made “every tribe, every tongue and nation” and brings the colours of character, nature, culture, eyes, skin and language together at His banquet table.

The beauty of it is seeing cultures together in laughter, in tears, in honoring of each journey is delightful. Just as Autumn brings her colours to our senses, so the Spirit comes with the colours of Abba’s daughters this weekend. It is the colours of God’s heart – the feminine heart that I see this weekend.



At 7:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love your perspective on this. Yes, this is the colours of God's heart. Isn't it marvellous to see all these nations together in one place? Yes, this is God's heart. Thank you for giving me a glimpse of what's been happening up there.

At 9:36 PM, Blogger Constance said...

Beautiful. I see the place. I imagine the faces. I hear the lilting languages, the high pitch of women's voices, the laughter. This does please the heart of God.


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